Clue 1
Clue 2
Clue 3
Got it yet? Last clue...
In case you've been baffled by such hard clues, yes we went on a ferry trip to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
We saw a short movie about Ellis Island and how it was once the main place for processing immigrants. Very moving, a glimpse into the real lives and remarkable journeys people have taken. And another perspective on the American story...
So, we now have less than 24 hours in the USA...what a trip it has been. Over our family curry this evening we were reflecting on our time and we were sharing how we have mixed feelings about going home...looking forward to it but also sad to leave.
We've met some wonderful new friends along the way:
Gay & Rich Miller - our wonderful hosts in Souderton and their three turtles
Steve Kriss - it's his fault we came in the first place!
Scott and Andrea Hackman - tutors in lightning bug hunting
Ertel Whigham - living the dream of multi-ethnic church and inspiring our socks off
Rose Bender - Pastor and 'mother' of Zume house in Allentown and teacher of the art of "Racko"!
Tom & Carolyn Albright - Pioneers for the Kingdom, leading Ripple in Allentown.
Kayla McClurg - House manager extraordinaire at Andrew's House in DC
Joe - great company and Mr. Fix-it!
Jim Melson - for his inside/outside vision and telling us the Shaw district story
Thomasine - for connecting us to people and being beautiful
Sue Peterson ( & husband Matt who we'll hopefully meet at some point!) - prophet and great ATV guide.
Vicki Caleb - Such a lovely lady who organised such a good time for us at Reba.
Tim and Patty Peebles - Ace Open-House hosts and fellow coffee-lovers
Allan & Jean Howe - inspirational couple who we could've listened to for much longer
Judith & Hannah Maendel - who took great care of us all just when we needed it.
Ann Stewart - peace-making veteran and encourager.
Charlotte and Karl Lehman - fellow David Attenborough fans and generous pastors (with a flair for showbiz!)
Helen Hudgens - kindred worship leader and gospel choir addict.
Sally and Orwin Youngquist - announcers of God's liberty.
Plus all the other wonderful folk in Norristown, Allentown who we met. The great people of Church of the Saviour and REBA and the loons in Wisconsin!
God bless you all!
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